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Diablo 1 Belzebub Drop Hack

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Re: Diablo 1 HD Belzebub Post by Darkedone02 » Wed Aug 16, 2017 6:15 am Diablo 1 has been considered abandonware and now freely available to download from what I've heard. Re: Diablo 1 HD Belzebub Post by Darkedone02 » Wed Aug 16, 2017 6:15 am Diablo 1 has been considered abandonware and now freely available to download from what I've heard. Mar 09, 2019 1. Run Diablo 2. Run the Trainer. The Trainer will detect diablo running, and loads character list. The problem is the trainer can't seem to detect Diablo process running. What do you think is the solution? Type: Blood Magic Required Level: 5 Book Price: 10000 Gold Description: Sacrifices life energy in ritual that causes the caster to become possessed and gain supernatural combat prowess. Causes severe exhaustion. Tchernobog (Diablo 1 Mod) v0.1.1. Buying & Selling items gives you 9999999 gold (monsters also drop extra gold) - Get all buffs and spells (Very Glitchy).

Click here to visit the Diablo Belzebub Mod (PC) description page for reviews, screenshots, and more information. Please note that this guide is written for a mod of the original Diablo known as Belzebub and the following information only applies to the mod, not the original release.

Diablo 1 belzebub guide

Diablo Belzebub (PC) Guide: How to Defeat Diablo

~ by tankMage (September 2017)


Diablo Belzebub varies quite a bit from the standard release and even veterans of the series may find the Lord of Terror in this rendition of the game to be difficult to the point of absurdity. This guide sets out to provide general advice on how to best approach the final battle. Because there are a plurality of classes and possible character builds, the following information is more geared towards strategy than specifics regarding equipment and ability use in the final battle. Readers should also be aware that this guide is written primarily for normal difficulty and those who wish to beat Diablo on higher difficulties will need to scale up their efforts accordingly.

1 Preparation

While it may seem as though your character is ready to confront Diablo after defeating Lazarus and opening the final portal in level 16 of the dungeon, he or she is most likely not well enough equipped or levelled, unless you have spent a lot of time grinding or have been immensely lucky with gear drops. Taking the following steps will ensure that you are not only properly geared for the final battle, but also know what to expect from the Lord of Terror's domain, which is dangerous in its own right.

Grind, Grind, Grind!

It's highly advisable to clear out Lazarus' lair (and level 16 if you wish) several times before entering the final stage. The equipment (which will be discussed in greater detail in the next step), money, and experience that can be gathered here are all very helpful. This is also a good way to gauge how much your character improves with each new level or piece of gear. Once you have reached the point where you have decent equipment and feel comfortable fighting Lazarus, you should begin to explore or even grind in Diablo's lair.

Diablo's lair is a good place to find gear and grinding it has the added bonus of familiarizing the player with the area. A countdown begins once the player enters Terror's Domain that gives him or her one hour to tag Diablo with an attack. Failing to do so before the hour is up will result in Diablo reaching full power and becoming nearly impossible to defeat (don't worry, restarting the game resets the timer). Knowing exactly where to go and what to do allows the player to work at his or her own pace, so it's wise to clear this area out a few times before making an earnest attempt.

Gear is the Key to Victory

Diablo may be an Action RPG, but it is still skewed heavily in favor of stats derived from equipment. Getting the best weapons, armor, rings, and belts possible will reduce the difficulty associated with slaying the final boss substantially. While uniques and set items can be effective, rare (yellow) items often provide the greatest benefit and players should try to get as many useful rare items as possible. It is also easier to find rare items with useful stats since they generally have three or more magical qualities.

Several defensive and offensive stats are vital in the final battle and players should try to find equipment that boosts the stats discussed in this section. Magic resistance is of paramount importance and players should have 75% (Max) fire resistance and substantial defense against the other elements (at least 40% is recommended). Those playing on higher difficulties should have all resistances maxed out. Life (or mana for the sorcerer) is also extremely important and it's advisable to have as much HP as possible. On normal difficulty, upwards of 400 HP is enough to comfortably battle Diablo, though some classes can get away with less. Armor class and Hit% are also very important and those playing on normal will want a score 150 or greater for both stats (once again some classes, especially the sorcerer and necromancer, can get away with less). Spell penetration, especially items that reduce the target's lightning defense (lightning works well on Diablo), is highly desirable for magic users. Archers and melee characters will of course want powerful weapons and a DPS upwards of 240 is recommended. Finally, rare items that have magical effects like regeneration, absorb damage, increased critical chance, walk speed, and/or leach life are helpful granted you have fulfilled the other requirements. Melee characters may also wish to use a shield, unless they happen to have high hit recovery and AC.

About three rare pieces of gear, some blues, and maybe a unique should be enough to help players attain the stats recommended above. It's also important to make sure the base items are of decent quality and you are not using slow weapons if you rely on physical attacks. Killing Lazarus and his cronies usually yields a few rare items each run, which is why I recommend fighting him as much as possible.

Don't Forget About Elixirs!

Elixirs grant a bonus to strength, dexterity, magic, or vitality for 10 minutes. This bonus seems to be a percentage of the character's stat after magical bonuses from equipment are added, so it's fairly substantial and can turn the tide of battle. I highly recommend drinking each type of elixir just before fighting Diablo so you're character is as powerful as possible. Some classes can forego using certain elixirs (I.E. Sorcerers don't need to drink the elixir of strength, barbarians don't need magic), but everyone can benefit from elixirs of dexterity and vitality.

2 Setting the Stage

You'll be ready to slay Diablo once you have the appropriate gear and have explored the Domain of Terror a bit. The area is split into quadrants with a central hallway running from east to west. An exit is located roughly near the western end of the hallway. The southwestern quadrant is where Diablo is holed up and the other three quadrants each house a boss that is in a sealed room. To unseal the bosses, go to the northeastern section and step on the four buttons that are located near a closed up room. A demon will emerge and you will have to kill it to proceed (watch out for it's summons and heavy spike damage). Go to the southwestern quadrant and slay the knight boss (I recommend using hit and run tactics to separate him from his minions and disrupt his frenzy attacks), then slay the necromancer boss in the northwestern room. There are several crucified skeletons in the necromancer boss's room, destroying them will open up Diablo's room. Be sure to take the following steps to ensure that the battle with Diablo goes as smoothly as possible.

Clear the Area

Make sure everything is dead before you unlock Diablo's room. It's best to kill all of the monsters wandering around the stage before unlocking the first room in the northeastern quadrant. Doing so will make fighting the bosses easier and save time in the long run.

Keep a Town Portal Open

The first friend download for macbook pro. Open a portal back to town in a safe spot every time you enter Terror's Domain so you have a way to quickly flee to safety. It also makes returning easier if you die. Remember: once you enter his lair, you only have an hour to engage Diablo before he powers up, so anything that can save time is helpful.

Set Up Potion Stashes

Diablo can do some serious damage and you may find yourself burning through potions at an alarming rate. Full up your inventory with full healing potions (or whatever is useful to you) and choose a few spots scattered around Diablo's lair to drop them. I recommend the main hallway, northeast, northwest, and southeast quadrants, since they have cover that can protect you from Diablo's attacks. You can run to these stashes if your belt starts to empty out and pick up the potions to quickly refill your supplies. This is a good way to ensure that you can heal quickly. Moving potions from your inventory to your belt is too time consuming and will likely get you killed.

3 The Final Battle!

Open up Diablo's room by destroying the crucified skeleton in the northwest quadrant after you have finished preparing. Every class is going to have to combat Diablo in its own way, so it's difficult to give specific advice. Knowing how the Lord of Terror fights and how to counter him is half the battle, however. It may also take a few tries to slay him, so don't get discouraged if you fail. The following strategies should help swing the battle in your favor.

Diablo's Attacks

The final boss uses a lot of fire spells. Fire wall, fire nova, flame wave, apocalypse, meteor cluster, and some sort of creeping fire wall that tracks your character constitute his fire attacks. Is generally helpful to move out of the way of these spells when attacking Diablo to avoid taking tons of damage. Fire nova can be especially harmful for melee characters, so be ready to heal at a moment's notice. Ranged characters can avoid many of the fire attacks, but apocalypse hits automatically and can prove to be their bane. Diablo can also use red lightning of some sort that should be avoided at all costs. Those who engage the boss in melee will find that he also uses physical attacks that inflict added cold damage. Finally Diablo will open portals that spawn demons and sorcerers. It's best to fall back when he opens these portals; in some cases you may have to eliminate the creatures the portals spawn to avoid being overwhelmed.

Controlling the Battle


Diablo will doggedly follow you around his lair. This can be used to your advantage, since he sometimes has trouble getting around walls and barriers. Don't be afraid to run behind walls and obstacles to avoid his fire attacks or kite him into one of the quadrants, then quickly run to another area to confuse Diablo while you heal, pick up potions, or let skills cool down. Phasing and Teleport are great spells to use even if you aren't a spell caster, since you can pass through walls or move out of his attacks quickly. Forcing Diablo to fight you on your own terms is the key to victory, so stay calm and mobile.

Use Hit and Run Tactics

Ok I know, this is similar to the Controlling the Battle section, but it's important to know how to approach Diablo, especially for melee characters who may not be accustomed to fighting in this manner. It's very important to quickly close with Diablo, get a few attacks in and break away in order to conserve life, unless you happen to have really good AC and HP. This is best done when Diablo takes a short break from casting fire spells. Using hit and run has the added bonus of giving time for abilities like shield wall, inner fire, and stealth to cool down, which can give you an edge over the boss. Diablo tends to inflict cold damage with his melee attacks, so breaking away also allows the slow effect from cold damage to wear off.

Winning the Battle

Pounding away at the boss enough will kill him even though it may seem like a futile effort. Diablo doesn't seem to regenerate HP at a noticeable rate, so players that bring enough potions along should be able to outlast him. Try not to go up to town or die, because he will heal fully in the meantime. Once Diablo is down to about 25% HP the battle is basically won, but you should be patient even then and fall back if necessary. Upon death, Diablo will drop some nice loot and you can move onto the next difficulty. Players may want to consider defeating Diablo on normal a few times to collect gear and practice for greater challenges ahead.

Thanks for using our Diablo Belzebub: How to Defeat Diablo Guide!

Spell Book - Page 1

Frost Shard

Belzebub diablo mod

Type: Cold | Required Level: 0 | Book Price: 1250 Gold
Description: Launches shard of ice that slows down the enemy it hits.

Type: Fire | Required Level: 0 | Book Price: 1000 Gold
Description: Creates a fiery missile.

Charged Bolt

Type: Lightning | Required Level: 0 | Book Price: 1000 Gold
Description: Creates multiple bolts of electrical energy.

Type: Utility | Required Level: 0 | Book Price: 1000 Gold
Description: Heals yourself.

Heal Other

Type: Utility | Required Level: 0 | Book Price: 1000 Gold
Description: Heals targeted friendly player or minion.

Type: Holy | Required Level: 0 | Book Price: 1000 Gold
Description: Creates a bolt of holy energy that damages only undead enemies.



Diablo Belzebub (PC) Guide: How to Defeat Diablo

~ by tankMage (September 2017)


Diablo Belzebub varies quite a bit from the standard release and even veterans of the series may find the Lord of Terror in this rendition of the game to be difficult to the point of absurdity. This guide sets out to provide general advice on how to best approach the final battle. Because there are a plurality of classes and possible character builds, the following information is more geared towards strategy than specifics regarding equipment and ability use in the final battle. Readers should also be aware that this guide is written primarily for normal difficulty and those who wish to beat Diablo on higher difficulties will need to scale up their efforts accordingly.

1 Preparation

While it may seem as though your character is ready to confront Diablo after defeating Lazarus and opening the final portal in level 16 of the dungeon, he or she is most likely not well enough equipped or levelled, unless you have spent a lot of time grinding or have been immensely lucky with gear drops. Taking the following steps will ensure that you are not only properly geared for the final battle, but also know what to expect from the Lord of Terror's domain, which is dangerous in its own right.

Grind, Grind, Grind!

It's highly advisable to clear out Lazarus' lair (and level 16 if you wish) several times before entering the final stage. The equipment (which will be discussed in greater detail in the next step), money, and experience that can be gathered here are all very helpful. This is also a good way to gauge how much your character improves with each new level or piece of gear. Once you have reached the point where you have decent equipment and feel comfortable fighting Lazarus, you should begin to explore or even grind in Diablo's lair.

Diablo's lair is a good place to find gear and grinding it has the added bonus of familiarizing the player with the area. A countdown begins once the player enters Terror's Domain that gives him or her one hour to tag Diablo with an attack. Failing to do so before the hour is up will result in Diablo reaching full power and becoming nearly impossible to defeat (don't worry, restarting the game resets the timer). Knowing exactly where to go and what to do allows the player to work at his or her own pace, so it's wise to clear this area out a few times before making an earnest attempt.

Gear is the Key to Victory

Diablo may be an Action RPG, but it is still skewed heavily in favor of stats derived from equipment. Getting the best weapons, armor, rings, and belts possible will reduce the difficulty associated with slaying the final boss substantially. While uniques and set items can be effective, rare (yellow) items often provide the greatest benefit and players should try to get as many useful rare items as possible. It is also easier to find rare items with useful stats since they generally have three or more magical qualities.

Several defensive and offensive stats are vital in the final battle and players should try to find equipment that boosts the stats discussed in this section. Magic resistance is of paramount importance and players should have 75% (Max) fire resistance and substantial defense against the other elements (at least 40% is recommended). Those playing on higher difficulties should have all resistances maxed out. Life (or mana for the sorcerer) is also extremely important and it's advisable to have as much HP as possible. On normal difficulty, upwards of 400 HP is enough to comfortably battle Diablo, though some classes can get away with less. Armor class and Hit% are also very important and those playing on normal will want a score 150 or greater for both stats (once again some classes, especially the sorcerer and necromancer, can get away with less). Spell penetration, especially items that reduce the target's lightning defense (lightning works well on Diablo), is highly desirable for magic users. Archers and melee characters will of course want powerful weapons and a DPS upwards of 240 is recommended. Finally, rare items that have magical effects like regeneration, absorb damage, increased critical chance, walk speed, and/or leach life are helpful granted you have fulfilled the other requirements. Melee characters may also wish to use a shield, unless they happen to have high hit recovery and AC.

About three rare pieces of gear, some blues, and maybe a unique should be enough to help players attain the stats recommended above. It's also important to make sure the base items are of decent quality and you are not using slow weapons if you rely on physical attacks. Killing Lazarus and his cronies usually yields a few rare items each run, which is why I recommend fighting him as much as possible.

Don't Forget About Elixirs!

Elixirs grant a bonus to strength, dexterity, magic, or vitality for 10 minutes. This bonus seems to be a percentage of the character's stat after magical bonuses from equipment are added, so it's fairly substantial and can turn the tide of battle. I highly recommend drinking each type of elixir just before fighting Diablo so you're character is as powerful as possible. Some classes can forego using certain elixirs (I.E. Sorcerers don't need to drink the elixir of strength, barbarians don't need magic), but everyone can benefit from elixirs of dexterity and vitality.

2 Setting the Stage

You'll be ready to slay Diablo once you have the appropriate gear and have explored the Domain of Terror a bit. The area is split into quadrants with a central hallway running from east to west. An exit is located roughly near the western end of the hallway. The southwestern quadrant is where Diablo is holed up and the other three quadrants each house a boss that is in a sealed room. To unseal the bosses, go to the northeastern section and step on the four buttons that are located near a closed up room. A demon will emerge and you will have to kill it to proceed (watch out for it's summons and heavy spike damage). Go to the southwestern quadrant and slay the knight boss (I recommend using hit and run tactics to separate him from his minions and disrupt his frenzy attacks), then slay the necromancer boss in the northwestern room. There are several crucified skeletons in the necromancer boss's room, destroying them will open up Diablo's room. Be sure to take the following steps to ensure that the battle with Diablo goes as smoothly as possible.

Clear the Area

Make sure everything is dead before you unlock Diablo's room. It's best to kill all of the monsters wandering around the stage before unlocking the first room in the northeastern quadrant. Doing so will make fighting the bosses easier and save time in the long run.

Keep a Town Portal Open

The first friend download for macbook pro. Open a portal back to town in a safe spot every time you enter Terror's Domain so you have a way to quickly flee to safety. It also makes returning easier if you die. Remember: once you enter his lair, you only have an hour to engage Diablo before he powers up, so anything that can save time is helpful.

Set Up Potion Stashes

Diablo can do some serious damage and you may find yourself burning through potions at an alarming rate. Full up your inventory with full healing potions (or whatever is useful to you) and choose a few spots scattered around Diablo's lair to drop them. I recommend the main hallway, northeast, northwest, and southeast quadrants, since they have cover that can protect you from Diablo's attacks. You can run to these stashes if your belt starts to empty out and pick up the potions to quickly refill your supplies. This is a good way to ensure that you can heal quickly. Moving potions from your inventory to your belt is too time consuming and will likely get you killed.

3 The Final Battle!

Open up Diablo's room by destroying the crucified skeleton in the northwest quadrant after you have finished preparing. Every class is going to have to combat Diablo in its own way, so it's difficult to give specific advice. Knowing how the Lord of Terror fights and how to counter him is half the battle, however. It may also take a few tries to slay him, so don't get discouraged if you fail. The following strategies should help swing the battle in your favor.

Diablo's Attacks

The final boss uses a lot of fire spells. Fire wall, fire nova, flame wave, apocalypse, meteor cluster, and some sort of creeping fire wall that tracks your character constitute his fire attacks. Is generally helpful to move out of the way of these spells when attacking Diablo to avoid taking tons of damage. Fire nova can be especially harmful for melee characters, so be ready to heal at a moment's notice. Ranged characters can avoid many of the fire attacks, but apocalypse hits automatically and can prove to be their bane. Diablo can also use red lightning of some sort that should be avoided at all costs. Those who engage the boss in melee will find that he also uses physical attacks that inflict added cold damage. Finally Diablo will open portals that spawn demons and sorcerers. It's best to fall back when he opens these portals; in some cases you may have to eliminate the creatures the portals spawn to avoid being overwhelmed.

Controlling the Battle

Diablo will doggedly follow you around his lair. This can be used to your advantage, since he sometimes has trouble getting around walls and barriers. Don't be afraid to run behind walls and obstacles to avoid his fire attacks or kite him into one of the quadrants, then quickly run to another area to confuse Diablo while you heal, pick up potions, or let skills cool down. Phasing and Teleport are great spells to use even if you aren't a spell caster, since you can pass through walls or move out of his attacks quickly. Forcing Diablo to fight you on your own terms is the key to victory, so stay calm and mobile.

Use Hit and Run Tactics

Ok I know, this is similar to the Controlling the Battle section, but it's important to know how to approach Diablo, especially for melee characters who may not be accustomed to fighting in this manner. It's very important to quickly close with Diablo, get a few attacks in and break away in order to conserve life, unless you happen to have really good AC and HP. This is best done when Diablo takes a short break from casting fire spells. Using hit and run has the added bonus of giving time for abilities like shield wall, inner fire, and stealth to cool down, which can give you an edge over the boss. Diablo tends to inflict cold damage with his melee attacks, so breaking away also allows the slow effect from cold damage to wear off.

Winning the Battle

Pounding away at the boss enough will kill him even though it may seem like a futile effort. Diablo doesn't seem to regenerate HP at a noticeable rate, so players that bring enough potions along should be able to outlast him. Try not to go up to town or die, because he will heal fully in the meantime. Once Diablo is down to about 25% HP the battle is basically won, but you should be patient even then and fall back if necessary. Upon death, Diablo will drop some nice loot and you can move onto the next difficulty. Players may want to consider defeating Diablo on normal a few times to collect gear and practice for greater challenges ahead.

Thanks for using our Diablo Belzebub: How to Defeat Diablo Guide!

Spell Book - Page 1

Frost Shard

Type: Cold | Required Level: 0 | Book Price: 1250 Gold
Description: Launches shard of ice that slows down the enemy it hits.

Type: Fire | Required Level: 0 | Book Price: 1000 Gold
Description: Creates a fiery missile.

Charged Bolt

Type: Lightning | Required Level: 0 | Book Price: 1000 Gold
Description: Creates multiple bolts of electrical energy.

Type: Utility | Required Level: 0 | Book Price: 1000 Gold
Description: Heals yourself.

Heal Other

Type: Utility | Required Level: 0 | Book Price: 1000 Gold
Description: Heals targeted friendly player or minion.

Type: Holy | Required Level: 0 | Book Price: 1000 Gold
Description: Creates a bolt of holy energy that damages only undead enemies.


Browning trombone serial numbers. Type: Fire | Required Level: 2 | Book Price: 2000 Gold
Description: Creates a stream of flame that scorches enemies.

Spell Book - Page 2

Type: Utility | Required Level: 5 | Book Price: 3000 Gold
Description: Magically teleports player to nearest entrance within spell range.

Fire Wall

Type: Fire | Required Level: 3 | Book Price: 6000 Gold
Description: Creates a wall of flame that burns your enemies.

Type: Utility | Required Level: 0 | Book Price: 2500 Gold
Description: Focuses power of mind on object or item and interacts with it from afar.


Type: Lightning | Required Level: 3 | Book Price: 3000 Gold
Description: Creates a powerful lightning torrent that strikes enemies.

Diablo 1 Belzebub Drop Hack Code

Type: Utility | Required Level: 2 | Book Price: 3000 Gold
Description: Creates a portal that allows caster to magically teleport to town and back.


Type: Magic | Required Level: 4 | Book Price: 7500 Gold
Description: Creates a ring of energy around the caster that damages nearby enemies.

Type: Cold | Required Level: 3 | Book Price: 5000 Gold
Description: Creates a circle of ice around the caster that slows down and damages enemies.

Spell Book - Page 3


Type: Utility | Required Level: 6 | Book Price: 3500 Gold
Description: Quickly teleports the caster to nearby random location.

Type: Lightning | Required Level: 7 | Book Price: 6500 Gold
Description: Creates a wall of electricity that shocks enemies who pass.

Stone Curse

Type: Unknown | Required Level: 5 | Book Price: 12000 Gold
Description: Attempts to turn enemy into stone, preventing it from taking any action.

Type: Fire | Required Level: 7 | Book Price: 8000 Gold
Description: Creates a powerful fiery ball that explodes on hit, damaging target and adjacent enemies.

Flame Wave

Type: Fire | Required Level: 8 | Book Price: 10000 Gold
Description: Ignites a moving flame wall that burns enemies on its way.

Type: Lightning | Required Level: 7 | Book Price: 11000 Gold
Description: Creates multiple lightning torrents that auto-target and strike enemies.

Ice Blast

Type: Cold | Required Level: 8 | Book Price: 12000 Gold
Description: Launches massive frost ball that slows and crushes target and adjacent enemies.

Spell Book - Page 4

Type: Magic | Required Level: 8 | Book Price: 13500 Gold
Description: Summons a mind mace that crushes enemies on its way.


Type: Fire | Required Level: 7 | Book Price: 10500 Gold
Description: Releases a fiery being that seeks and destroys enemies.

Type: Utility | Required Level: 9 | Book Price: 18000 Gold
Description: Creates a golem from the earth to serve you. Adventures of megara: antigone and the living toys download for mac.

Frozen Orb

Type: Cold | Required Level: 14 | Book Price: 21000 Gold
Description: Creates a frozen sphere that overwhelms enemies with torrents of ice shards.

Type: Fire & Physical | Required Level: 16 | Book Price: 18000 Gold
Description: Summons a cluster of fiery meteorites that burn and eradicate adjacent enemies.


Type: Fire | Required Level: 8 | Book Price: 14000 Gold
Description: Summons a multiheaded beast of flame that shoots enemies within range.

Spell Book - Page 5

Type: Lightning | Required Level: 19 | Book Price: 21000 Gold
Description: Creates a massive expanding ring of lightning to destroy enemies within range.


Belzebub Diablo 1 Site

Type: Cold | Required Level: 19 | Book Price: 16000 Gold
Description: Summons a lidless eye that shoots ice shards that slow nearby enemies and watches over the caster.

Type: Utility | Required Level: 12 | Book Price: 20000 Gold
Description: Instantly moves the caster to nearby selected location.

Diablo 1 Belzebub Cheat


Type: Fire & Physical | Required Level: 30 | Book Price: 30000 Gold
Description: Engulfs all visible enemies in a burst of flame from beneath their feet.

Type: Cold | Required Level: 25 | Book Price: 28000 Gold
Description: Summons an ice storm to rain cold death onto enemies.


Type: Fire | Required Level: 21 | Book Price: 21000 Gold
Description: Creates an expanding circle of fireballs to destroy enemies around the caster.

Diablo 1 Belzebub Download

Spell Book - Page 6

Type: Blood Magic | Required Level: 0 | Book Price: 2000 Gold
Description: Sacrifices part of life energy to recover mana.


Type: Blood Magic | Required Level: 5 | Book Price: 10000 Gold
Description: Sacrifices life energy in ritual that causes the caster to become possessed and gain supernatural combat prowess. Causes severe exhaustion.

Type: Blood Magic | Required Level: 8 | Book Price: 11500 Gold
Description: Releases a spirit of the restless that is attracted by souls of the living and saps their life energy.

Blood Star

Type: Blood Magic & Unholy | Required Level: 12 | Book Price: 27500 Gold
Description: Creates a vile star out of caster's blood that defiles target and adjacent enemies.

Diablo Belzebub Trainer

Type: Blood Magic & Fire | Required Level: 9 | Book Price: 12500 Gold
Description: Begins a ritual that causes each hit to cost life energy in exchange for fire damage.

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